Monday, May 31, 2010

Note: I am currently taking a photo ev
ery day for 365 days on my Facebook and blogging about it. I will share some of them on this blog from time to time.

May 31 - Day 358

Listening to: 80s music.....the marathon ends at midnight :-(
Thought for the Day: Gratitude, Triumph, Courage, Conviction, Terror, Outrage, Resolve, Valor, Fortitude, Victory.

The photo? This was my view today. I was the emcee for the Memorial Day ceremony at Old Hickory Veterans Memorial Park. BARF. HURL. YACK. I don't like speaking in public. However, it only takes 1 minute in the presence of a veteran to annihilate my resolve.

This morning I awoke in fear which is completely stupid because I don't know real fear. I don't know what it's like to face an enemy at war. To me..... that is real fear. To the men and women who do it? It's a job and an honor.

I put my big girl panties on and made my way to the church where the chairs we use for the ceremony are stored to begin the arduous task of transporting chairs to the park. My chair helper had not arrived when I reached the church. I panicked and started moving the chairs. A 90-year old POW (Red Dean) began helping me. I told him that he didn't need to help. He said to me, "I'm not letting you do this by yourself." He kept bringing me chair after chair after chair. His actions vaporized my public speaking fears in an instant. BTW.... If you want to read a truly inspirational story about a veteran, check Red Dean out at ( My chair helper did show up! THANK YOU PHILIP RICE!!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't have panicked about moving the chairs just like I shouldn't be so stupid about my fear of public speaking.

The Memorial Day ceremony was very enjoyable. Tiffany Johnson did a beautiful job with the National Anthem as the United States Navy Color Guard presented the colors. Congressman Jim Cooper, Tn. Rep. Mike Turner, and Soles4Souls CEO Wayne Elsey all spoke and did a fabulous job. My buddy, both a WWII and Korean Vet, Jack Redden recited a poem.

God bless America and God bless all of the men and women worldwide from the U.S. to our allies who have fought valiantly to preserve our freedoms.

Note: The words from the thought of the day are from the WWII Memorial at Bicentennial Mall.
From my album: