Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 335 - June 25
Listening to: Michael Jackson
Thought for the day: Faith, where are you?

The wording on this sign is definitely not stellar, but that’s not why it’s the photo of the day. It is the photo of the day because it is a deviant and poetic representation of the events that unfolded at DuPont land this week. The sign is located on company property (near yesterday’s featured manhole actually).

Yesterday, for the third time this year, the company announced a layoff. This time the corporate ax will whack approximately 40+ jobs at our site (there are many DuPont sites ‘round the world). Some employees will get to stay with the company, but they will have to transfer to other locations (most out of state). Others will be outright unemployed.

For now, it looks like I’m safe, but after three chunky layoffs in the mere space of one year, I am starting to think I have Post Layoff Traumatic Disorder, PLTD. My stomach is wrenching. I may hurl up my dinner tacos any minute. I’m so exhausted from saying goodbye that I don't think my lips can form the word anymore.

Emotional responses have covered the gamut. One man praised God and gave Him credit for saving his job. Another scoffed at the hand dealt to him. I asked the man praising God if God was any less present for those who had lost their jobs. He looked at me like a deer in headlights.

For those coworkers of mine whose futures are uncertain, I am praying for you. I also am praying for those of us who remain. We all need it.

OHHH……….btw, the sign is warning you to not ride on the side of a rail car unless you want to become a flat Stanley real quick-like. They should let the technical writer (me) choose the wording for the sign eh?

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