Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 333 - June 27
Listening to: I’ll be Loving you Always
Thought for the day:
Did you know that true love adds to nothing
Her acceptance is a winning gain
Did you know that life is giving love again
to last you forever and another day ~ Stevie Wonder

Being a thinker of whimsy, I often let the concept of bad luck slip into my thought process. Being a Christian, I should know better. What can I say? It happens. The fact that there are so many broken things in my house both materially and emotionally begs the question, “is it bad luck or is it life?” Some days it is easier to say Que Sera Sera than others.

Yesterday, I went to get my hair cut. As the stylist was finishing, she started sweeping hair out from underneath the char that I still occupied. She gasped and said, “Do you know what it means when someone sweeps under you?” I said, “no, what?” She said, “it means you’ll never get married!” I was SUNK. I think I was depressed a good two hours afterward. I love my hairstylist, so I’ll get over it. However, the incident is still plaguing me. I’m wondering if never getting married again would be good luck or bad luck. I could choose to look down the good luck path, but the bad luck path has locked on me like a mad Medusa.

The whole experience led me to think about how many black cats have crossed my path, mirrors I have broken, salt I’ve spilled......superstition in general. Then, I saw this guy standing under the ladder today. It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder. Supposedly, back in the day, Christians would label you a witch for walking under a ladder because the action signified a disbelief in the Holy trinity? Wow. I’d say never marrying again is a much better lot than being labeled a witch. Then again, being labeled a witch would improve marital prospects if the witch could whoop up a big-screen tv and a pot roast dinner! At least there is some poor chap out there at the Piggly Wiggly who has broken a superstitious rule that is worse than mine!

The guy standing on top of the ladder may be the luckiest person alive since he didn’t fall! I’d get fired if I stood on the top of a ladder at DuPont! If I was this kid's mother, I'd have a flat out STROKE if I saw this. I guess that makes me lucky to not be his mother!

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