Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 340 - June 20
Listening to: silence
Thought for the day: Whatever is necessary is available (my Dad’s theory).

I went on a cruise last week to Mexico. My descent into post-cruise depression has officially begun. Post-cruise depression involves constantly saying to one’s self, “this time last week I was drinking umbrella drinks sliding my feet in the sand,” or some other lascivious activity.

Since my brain is lost somewhere in last week, I hope no one minds if I use photos from last week for my photos de jour this week. Today’s vacay photo relates to an experience I had with my Dad.

My Dad is a platinum member of the Haggler’s Club of America. His frequent haggler points are off the charts. When I was a wee child of eight, he took me to Tijuana, Mexico to teach me the trade. I watched anxiously as he demonstrated his skill while buying a shark skin wallet. The Mexican proprietor was asking $50. My Dad negotiated the price down to $10. I was amazed, yet horrified. In my mind, if the Mexican was asking $50 for the wallet, he needed the $50 to help feed his family. I was consumed with guilt despite my Dad explaining to me that the Mexicans expect haggling. Following the wallet purchase, the haggling spotlight was placed on me. Every daughter wants to impress their Dad, so I haggled. I got a deal. And then, I felt sick. I still feel sick about it to this day.

Last week, I ventured into a small flea-market at one of our stops in Mexico. I was immediately bombarded by Mexican vendors begging me to haggle. I haggled a little, but started having flashbacks to when I was eight. I ended up buying two items. I paid way too much. So, in typical Kris fashion, I rationalized the event by telling myself that I helped the vendors by paying too much. Maybe one less Mexican would go hungry that night. Of course, the vendors probably thought, "Stupid American."

You’ll never find my photo on the Haggler’s Club of America wall of fame. :-) My Dad will just have to be proud of my other accomplishments............ and I know he is.

BTW…… the “Dad” in “my Dad” is not suppose to be capitalized………..but for me………my Dad is always worthy of being capitalized! :-) Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. You are all capital to me!

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