Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 6 - Day 352
Listening to: my janky dryer and tv noise
Thought for the day: People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

I don’t know how many times I’ve driven across the bridge connecting Old Hickory and Madison. Dedicated in April of 1928, the bridge played a huge role in developing this area of Nashville.

Over the years, I’ve wondered what was inscribed on the towers at both ends. I did a Google search and this is what I found.

Davidson County, Tenn
Litton Hickman, County Judge
County Highway Commission
Finley M Dorris Chairman
Joe S Boyd
John M O'Mohundro
Bridge Comittee:
B E McCarthy
Ira E Parker
Lou Huggins
T B Hargin

phhhhhhhhhfttt……….What? That’s it? Rattled by my old buddy skepticalina, I set out to look at the inscriptions myself. The towers are not exactly easy to access. The best part is no one honked at me, but maybe that’s not so good. What did I find? Sure enough, the almighty Google does not lie. I’m disappointed. I wonder if the descendants of these people listed even know these names are there. I have fantasized for years that the inscription was a profound quote or message, possibly metaphorical, about bridges. BTW…. The inscription is the same on both ends.

I have also wondered if someday someone will make an attempt to restore the towers to their former glory. Thousands of cars pass over the bridge daily without knowing that one time it was lined with lights. There were lights along the rails and at the tops of each of the towers. Word is you could see it from downtown Nashville because it was lit up like a Grizwold family Christmas. SADLY, there is nary a clue that these lights ever existed. Makes me wonder what the pedestrian bridge in downtown Nashville will look like 80 years from now. Look at these photos:

If you look closely you can see the light fixtures.

If I had been in charge of this bridge construction, the names may still be there, but there would be a quote that said something like………. bridges of hope blah blah blah, or bridges bring worlds closer blah blah blah, or crossing the bridges of life blah blah blah…….. Okay, so maybe there’s a good reason there are only names inscribed.

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