Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 339 - June 21
Listening to: Knock on Wood ……….it’s like thunder……… and lightnin’ ooooh oooh ooh ooh ooh (you know you’re singing it now too).
Thought for the day: God put eyes in the front of our head so we wouldn’t look backwards, but he made rear view mirrors for the occasional peek.


When a cruise ships pulls into a port of call, you can buy what is called an excursion. For those who have never cruised, an excursion is an activity such as a beach party, swimming with the dolphins, zip line through a forest, etc. They aren’t cheap.

Fortunately for me, my travel companion has a Carnival cruise line tattoo on his butt (not really, but he might as well). This cruise was his ninth Carnival cruise. He is experienced. His motto is basically, “excursion, smexucursion.” So, when we arrived at Cozumel, we bypassed the overpriced excursions and created our own adventure. We rented a jeep. Destination? We were going to the uninhabited side of the island

After about a 10 minute drive, the road dumped us out on to miles and miles of isolated sand and turquoise water. There were so few people on this side of the island that we were able to take a beach break with miles of beach to ourselves. The whole experience made me ponder the fate of the Gilligan’s Island characters. Why did they always walk around with so many clothes on? And why did we believe it? If my memory serves me correctly, the Skipper was even a shirt tucker. AS IF!!!!!!

After some carefree frolicking in the water, we made our way to one of the three restaurants. I use the word “restaurant” loosely. There is no electricity on this side of the island. Our restaurant of choice used a car battery for power. Not only were they using it to power their cookware, but they were watching World Cup Soccer too……..WITH A CAR BATTERY. Let me tell you, a car battery used to cook chicken tacos combined with an ocean view like the one above was a 5-star meal to me.

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