Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9 - Day 349
Listening to: my brain whining about no sleep
Thought for the day: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I put my life in harm’s way today. I rode with Wes, my son, to the emissions testing center. I really should be posting a photo of my white knuckle-o-death clutch on the arm rest. Is there code in the parental DNA that causes us to automatically fear sitting in the passenger seat of our child’s car? I imagine neither of my parents would choose to stomach my Coo Coo Marlin driving ways. The positive part about being a passenger in Wes's car today is my right leg got a good workout from constantly trying to brake.

Today’s photo was taken at the testing facility. Since my cell phone camera is on the level of Fisher Price cameras, I will translate what the sign says. It says, “Each person in Nashville drives about 36 miles per day. Nashville consistently ranks near the top in the country for the most miles driven.” Wes was the first to point out that we rank so high because there is no form of rapid transit. We do have a commuter rail, but it is a caveman transit system in comparison to other cities.

I have always wanted to live in a city where there was a subway, Metro, L, Tube, M, T, etc. I have OWNED the rapid transit systems in London, Madrid, and D.C. (D.C. is my fave). Phhhhhhhhtttt…………. Who am I kidding? I live about a mile from where I work and in the past 13 years I have walked to work only once. ONCE! The one time I did walk, at least six coworkers stopped and asked me if I needed a ride. I’m almost embarrassed to share this fact especially in light of the fact the BP incident is shining a big giant spotlight on our craze for oil. Could we as Nashvillians end our love affairs with our cars if we had a subway?

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