Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 - Day 351
Listening to: Carry That Weight (McCartney)
Thought for the day: With the tears a Land hath shed
Their graves should ever be green.
~Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Witness a victim of not only time, but also the financial crisis. Six months ago I found out this cemetery was in foreclosure. How does a bank foreclose on a freakin’ cemetery? It turns out the bank was as shocked about their expropriated property as I was. Thanks to Councilman Darren Jernigan , the property has been quick deeded to a rightful owner. The happy ending isn’t eminent yet, however. Father Time has had his own confiscation in mind. The cemetery is a mess.

So, who is buried here and what’s the big deal? General Thomas Overton and his family are buried here.

The General is most known for his role as a second in the infamous Andrew Jackson vs. Charles Dickinson duel. Let’s think about this for a second. Stepping up to be a second means you’re willing to give your life for a friend. How many people would be willing to step up to be a second in this day and time?

Thomas was also the brother of Judge John Overton whose home, Traveller’s Rest, receives constant restoration efforts. I wonder why Thomas’s legacy hasn’t been as protected as well as his brother’s. Was he a rogue? Ironically, his homestead which was located near the cemetery was known as Soldier’s Rest. Unlike Traveller’s Rest, Soldier’s Rest is long gone. Today, it’s anything but a place for an old Revolutionary soldier to feel at rest.

For me, I don’t revere General Overton as a true friend to Andy or as a potentially interesting rogue. His role as a General in the Continental Army throughout the duration of the Revolutionary War is what carries the most weight in my heart. The Revolutionary War……….. the war of all wars…………the war that to this day defines the United States. He is a hero. His cemetery deserves better.

This cemetery is located on Donelson Avenue in Old Hickory, Tennessee (near the post office).
From your album:

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