Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 329 - July 1
Listening to: some top 40 schmack
Thought for the day:
177 days 'til Christmas!

I always get depressed around the 4th of July……………..about Christmas. It is pretty much a guarantee that I’m going to be depressed on July 4 and December 25. These two holidays totally bite when it comes to being single. Granted, the reason for the season allows me to survive (with a smile) the perilous pity parties in December. Each July, however, I forget that I did okay the previous December.

Anyway, this is the infamous leg lamp. I won it in a vicious game of dirty Santa last Christmas (Thank you Jim Bryson). If you were friends with me back in December, you might recollect my musings about whether to make the lascivious lamp a year-round fixture or to make it a holiday thang. I asked Wes, that absentee son of mine, what I should do. He said it would be tacky to leave it out all year. Tacky I must be. It’s July 1 and this baby is still putting out the glow. The thing is the lamp gives great visceral warmth to my humble abode. I just couldn't extinguish the glow in the name of having some class (putting the lamp in storage for 11 months of the year).

Speaking of the movie, last year I excitedly called my best male pal (RAM) to share the news of my spoils of dirty Santa war. I was dejected to find out HE HAD NEVER SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!! COMMUNIST, I SAY!!!!! So, I’m curious. Who else out there has not seen the movie? Look, I haven’t even named the movie. If you know the leg lamp, you know the movie………..

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