Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 183 - Nov. 28
Listening to: Got to Be Real
Thought for the Day: One man's trash is another man's treasure!

The neighbors behind me either cleaned out their attic or their basement over the weekend. I’m relieved they are not hoarders. The neighbor that lived next to me at my prior address was evicted for hoarding dead animals and having garbage stacked to the ceiling. She made the people on the Hoarders show look like neat freaks.

The problem with my anti-hoarding neighbors is they put the stuff they are chunking out on my side of the garbage aisle. For a control freak like me, this is a problem. I have anxiety. What if the garbage men don’t pick up all of this stuff? What if the garbage men think that I am the one responsible for making them work harder? .............breathe..... I know I’m silly, or crazy, or both.

This morning the scene in the photo unfolded before my eyes. I watched this man methodically go through my neighbor’s crap. I was amazed at some of the stuff he was rescuing. There was some nice stuff in that pile! Anyway, judging by the truck the man was driving, he was by no means destitute……………or was he? I wonder about people who scavenge through neighborhood trash. They’re either really needy or they have a side business. Regardless, it’s a lesson in swallowing pride whole............. no chewing.

I suppose I should dispose of some pride, be a better neighbor, and welcome the trash................................ until trash pickup day that is.

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