Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 209 - Nov. 1
Listening to: Daniel
Thought for the day: My body responded like a crack baby while eating this bowl of veggies.

LOOK……….I can follow a recipe! I cooked!!!! You might want to stock up on water and ammunition because the end of Earth as we know it may be near.

Today I ended my 110+ day of eating nothing but fast food, an occasional chunk of spaghetti, and frozen pizza. I can tell you that the moment the first spoonful of this vegetable soup touched my lips, my body responded with extreme greed.

Not long ago, a good friend of mine pointed out to me the misuse of the word “organic.” See for a sound discussion on how society has raped the word “organic." I wish I could tell you I made organic vegetable soup tonight, but instead I’m just going to say I made orgasmic vegetable soup to avoid any controversy. My body may implode from the consumption of real and healthy food. DuPont copeeps consider yourselves warned.

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