Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 201 - Nov. 9
Listening to: Don't Stop Believing
Thought for the day: If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

In many ways, this fractured computer represents my life right now. In a literal sense, I thought this cracked computer was my future before today. This is a story about a lesson in faith for me.

When I went to turn my computer on Saturday, it was dead. I didn't even receive the complimentary blue screen of death. The computer tower was DING DONG DEAD. My immediate reaction was one of straight-up panic. I rely heavily on my computer for work, volunteer work, and of course socializing.

I pulled out my troubleshooting guide and tried everything imaginable to resuscitate the poor thing. I even offered it a Kit Kat……..still, nothing. So, I begrudgingly pulled out my cracked Dell baby laptop (seen in this photo) . said a small ”thank you” that at least online socializing could be salvaged, and I started scheming about how to buy a new computer. In the end, I decided a new computer was out of the question. I just didn’t see it happening, so I started devising a plan on how to survive with the cracked baby laptop.

Meanwhile, in the back of my head, there was voice saying, “don’t give up on the big daddy computer.” The voice hung around until Monday, so I tried starting it up again and still……………..zzzzzzzzzzz………nothing. Fortunately, there was one sign of life. There was a green flashing light on the back of the computer tower. Yesterday, I decided to Google, “green flashing light” and “computer won’t start.” Low and behold, I stumbled on others who had the same problem. Many had used an unorthodox tool to fix the problem.............a hair dryer. A hairdryer? At first, I thought it was a joke. With nothing to lose, I decided to try it.

When I got home, I plugged in the hairdryer and blasted the back of the tower with hot air. Three minutes later I tried pushing the start button. NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!! I walked away from the computer, started to cry, and started to play the "woes me" messages in my head............ “everything in your life is broken, why do you even bother with faith, you don’t deserve things to go right, blah blah blah BLAH.” Somewhere in the middle of my mental blubbering, another voice said, “Try starting the computer again.” I did. The computer came to life.

I constantly struggle with faith, but it’s these silly lessons that always slap me back where I need to be.

website that helped:

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