Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 196 – Nov. 15
Listening to: Fire and Rain
Thought for the day: Why does the dental hygienist always try to have a conversation with me?

Clean Teeth and Dirty Hair

I haven’t washed my hair in three days and it feels ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, DE FACTO…………….NASSSSSSSSTY. My mop didn’t hit category 4 of nastiness until around 5 p.m. (photo was taken at 7 p.m.) I’m perplexed. How did women go for so long without washing their hair back in the day? I think my hair probably has enjoyed its small journey toward dreadlockdom, but the anti-wash period will end promptly tomorrow as long as my head doesn't slide off my pillow and cause brain damage.

Despite the dirty hair, I have some cleeeeeeeeean teeth. I went to the dentist today for my 6 month cleaning. I’m happy to report that I have zero cavities and the cleaning was finished in record time. Four years ago, the report wasn’t so good. I walked out with four cavities. I became an obsessive flosser after that day. I’m here to tell you flossing has had a HUGE impact on my dental life. Why oh why didn’t I listen when I was younger?

As you can see, not much happened today…………………

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