Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 192 - Nov. 19
Listening to: Margaritaville
Thought for the day: How do you tell if a turtle is male or female?

I have spent the last two weeks during my lunch break trying to catch a glimpse of the two bald eagles that treat my employer's property as a Sandals Resort for eagles during the winter. Other coworkers have seen them, but not me. They must know I’m paparazzi and avoid me. Anyway….I never saw the eagles, but I did meet up with this turtlesaurus rex.

While I was talking to the turtle prepping him/her for our photo shoot, a jeep pulled up loaded with a couple of handsome men that I’ve never seen. My first thought was, “what are these handsome men doing back here in the woods?” The driver rolled the jeep window down and said to me, “what are you doing back here in the woods?” I never found out their reason for invading my walking path, but they did tell me that this BAT (big ass turtle) was a snapping turtle. I suppose it’s a good thing I didn’t get too close to test their claim. I’d hate to have to report to our safety office that I had been mauled by a BAT.

On my way back to Cubicle Caverns I started imagining how many fishing poles this BAT has broken in his/her lifetime. You could tell just looking at him/her that he/she has a penchant for bait. I’m sure he/she has also caused many a fisherman to think they’ve caught “the big one.”

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