Thursday, November 4, 2010

Listening to: 1-2-3
Thought for the day: I spotted the first home-based Christmas tree today……….. on my street. UGGH. BAAAH UGGGH.

I wonder how many times the lottery has been a sequential number. Everyone wants to win it. Get in line behind me because I will win! So what would you do if you won $123 million? I would help my family/friends obviously, but I’ve also whole heartedly committed to paying the college tuition for two very deserving young women (they know who they are), buying a Gucci-designed nurse’s uniform for a nurse friend of mine (she knows who she is), providing life-time vet coverage for my dog owner angels (they know who they are), and taking all ya’ll on a cruise (you know who all ya’ll are).

The minute I saw this sign today, the song 1-2-3 (Len Barry version) stuck in my head like brown paper towels in the toilet. I went to You Tube to have a listen. Guess how many songs are labeled either 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4? That number would be 751,000 ……..less than the lottery jackpot, but hey………I’d take $751,000 too!

Of course then I see something like this……….

………….and I wonder.

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