Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 306 - July 26
Listening to: Mozart Piano Concerto #5
Thought for the day: Out of many, one.

HEY.........I didn't take this photo of Andrew. ;-) A group I'm a part of is working on a project to honor him as a veteran in Old Hickory Veterans Memorial Park. We want to use the presidential seal on the memorial. You can’t just go to Walmart and buy one of these things. In fact, you might wind up in jail if you use the seal inappropriately. You have to get permission…………..from the durn president……..well………from people working for him. So…… We’ve been in communication with one of the individuals assigned the title Deputy Associate Counsel to the President. Let me tell you, the DAC to the P has been a tremendous help and is making the process easier than I anticipated. We now have the permission we need, but I am still scratching my head as to how we will obtain the actual seal. I’m not sure why I thought the White House kept a supply of presidential seals in a back closet somewhere and doled them out like key chains……….but they don’t. I’m now saying, “What’s next?”

There is evidence that President Jackson himself used a presidential seal, but an official seal wasn’t used until 1877 under President Hayes’ term. I wonder what President J would think about the rules around the seal’s usage today? I’m sure he’d like that I can’t go to Walmart to buy the seal that will go on his memorial.

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