Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 318 – July 12
Listening to: Through the Fire
Thought for the day: If only people came with pull down menus and online help.

Behold! Easter Island has come to Old Hickory. If you drive through Lakewood, you’ll see this yard. If you haven't noticed it, umm...... I'm not sure what to think! Originally, there was only one of these statues in the yard (it is still there). It is a larger statue. Somewhere, somehow, another large statue showed up and they procreated LIKE BUNNIES to have these baby statues. The parent statues (not pictured) stand guard nearby. I want so badly to knock on the owner's door and ask about their aberrant yard art. My fear of being sacrificed keeps me from doing so (joking). I was a little nervous about taking this photo. The things I do for the 365 journal!

I’m not so sure these particular statues are replicas of the Easter Isle statues. BUT IF THEY ARE………’s the 411……….. No one knows for sure what purpose the giant island heads served. Archaeologists suspect that they represented the spirits of ancestors, chiefs, or other high ranking males. Maybe the occupants of this house lost a loved one and are trying to channel an ancestral spirit. Hey…..if these heads bring them comfort, more power to them.

If you want to peep the Easter Island statues, visit I love me some Nova!

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