Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 303 - July 29
Listening to: What a Fool Believes
Thought for the day: men sweat and women glisten

Earlier today, I Tweeted the comment that men sweat and women glisten. That was before I walked UP this hill during my lunch break…………….in 100 degree heat. I had sweat coming out of places I didn’t know existed. I sweated like a man! Is “sweated” proper verb tense? I should know eh? You’d think it’d be “swat.” Later, when I cooled off in the Cubicle Caverns that I claim as office space, I realized I smelled like the dank hallway leading to an over-chlorinated pool. I know. Attractive………… but the point is I didn’t smell like a man.

One thing I did notice today was that every time I said, “God, I could use a little breeze right now,” a brief breeze would commence. It made me give thought to the idea of asking God and then expecting God. How many times have I asked God for help and then not expected God? It was a small lesson in faith……………….in a furnace suitable for hell.

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