Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 317 – July 13
Listening to: Make Someone Happy
Thought of the day: I am approaching the age where I can boast about roaming with dinosaurs. Why do I still burn my mouth on pizza?

QUICK! Answer the question on the sign in the photo. If you’re anything like me, your knee-jerk response will not be representative of what you really think and feel. When I first saw the sign, an answer erupted from me like Eyjafjallajökull ………you know that volcano that tied Europe air travel up tighter than a………than a……….ooooh can’t say what I want to say!

The answer that burst forth from my whimsical brain was, “God and pizza.” Hmmm…….pizza isn’t even my favorite food. It’s about 8th on my list. Where on Earth did this answer come from? For kicks, I Googled “God and pizza.” Google tossed two pages of websites back at me. Most sites advertised a pizza and church event. There was one site loaded with Bible verses reworded to included pizza. Anyway, I decided to give the question some real thought.

Is this a trick question? It appears on a church sign………..my denomination no less. Obviously they want you to answer God and Jesus. Right? I don’t know!!! What about the Holy Trinity? The HT is three things, or does it count as one? TOO MUCH THINKING! My final answer would be the HT and the people in my life. That’s my final answer Regis! Does that count as more than two loves?

You don’t have to have a belief system to answer this question! Hopefully, if you don’t believe in God, you at least love something.

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