Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 308 - July 24
Listening to: She’s Got a Ticket to Ride
Thought for the day: Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.

Yesterday, a friend of mine, Scott Sawyer, posted a phenomenal photo of his daughter on his Facebook page (I hope he doesn’t mind that I’m sharing). I’m not sure if his privacy settings will allow you to see the photo, but here is the link!/photo.php?pid=30973991&id=1181223453.

If you can’t see it, he was experimenting with light and darkness. His daughter is slinging her hair wildly and her face is angelically illuminated. The photo reminded me of a poem I wrote when I was a junior in high school, so I posted the poem in his photo comments.

This morning I decided I would try to take my own photo to match the poem. I made a feeble attempt and failed. Some day, I will get my photo right. For now, Scott and his daughter hold the trophy for capturing the perfect image to match the words of my soul.

Sometimes, the energy that encircles me so,
must, to God, be a very bright glow,
energy radiating from no earthly source,
heaven internalized within my life's course
realizations that each moment is given as a gift,
no breath forsaken whether relaxed or swift.

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