Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 323 - July 7
Listening to: Franz Schubert
Thought for the day: I'm so gangster, I'm so thug........phhhhhhhhhffft.

Eastland Cafe'

This was the view from my seat tonight during dinner. Check out the book. Dessert Fourplay. Hmmm. Foreplay, fourplay, let’s call thing off and just have dessert. I’d love to know why this book intentionally misspelled foreplay in conjunction with dessert. Alas, it was not meant for me to find out as a chef’s plastic wall held me back. I do know I had a bite of a blueberry beignet tonight that had When Harry Met Sally – the diner scene potential. I’m sure my friends were glad I didn’t act on the urge. Fourplay, foreplay, the beignet was GOOD. I did see one of the sous chefs pick up the book and peruse it. I wonder if my photography moment prompted him to do so.

Anyhoo, I go to dinner with a group of wonderful peeps every Wednesday. Each week we choose a different restaurant. From this point forward, I will feature something about my Wednesday forays into the restaurant world in my 365 photo blog.

This week we went to the Eastland CafĂ© in East Nashville. HOLY COW!!! This was a good pick. Most memorable for me was the fried green tomatoes and the blueberry beignets. They did have this bizarre drink on the menu………..can’t remember what it was called……….but it consisted of Pabst Blue Ribbon, St. Germaine, and lemon juice. BLECH. A happy fellow sitting next to me at the bar ordered it. He said it was, “refreshing.” Yeah, whatever. My compadres had something called “chicken and waffles.” Three peeps out of the group had this dish and all three were smacking there lips by the end.

HIGHLY recommend this restaurant, and let me tell you East Nashville is no joke these days. I haven’t made a trek to this hood in probably 15 years. The place is right spiffy.

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