Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 328 - July 3
Listening to: Sweet Love Hangover
Thought for the day: Give me liberty or give me death!

BEHOLD! Ye old fireworks stand. This is one of five firework stands that lurk along the Davidson-Wilson County line. Fireworks are illegal in Davidson County which is absurd since most of us Davidson Countians makes the trek across the county line. This particular firework stand sits on top of a water main (see sign to left). If a firework stand is gonna blow, I wanna be at the one where the water is!

I am a Scrooge about all holidays except for Thanksgiving, duh there is food involved. I am slowly coming out of my Ebeneezerness concerning July 4th. I am working on being less bah humbug about the 4th and more woo hoo about it all. For the third year in a row, I will attend a party at a friend’s house. Tradition. I need them. Back in the day I use to spend every July 4th with my Granny Sally. Sometimes it was just the two of us. Sometimes family would make an appearance. Regardless, she always threw down the bills to make sure I had fireworks. When I married, I stopped going to her house. Thus, the ghost of “I hate July 4th” descended upon me.

Just like Christmas, we all need to stop and reflect on what July 4th means. If it weren’t for July 4th, we might not be able to celebrate December 25th……….. not that the British are anti-Christ……….but you know what I mean. Happy 234th Birthday America!!! God Bless us Everyone! Thank you to those who continue to preserve our freedoms…………..especially the freedom to write and say whatever we want without persecution!

What good is a July 4th without a useless factoid.
Since 1916, Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City supposedly started as a way to settle a dispute among four immigrants as to who was the most patriotic.

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