Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day - July 25
Listening to: Paint it Black
Thought for the day: I’m not worthy O box of Fiber One cereal!

This week I intend to eat better. Not diet. Eat better. One week. That’s all. I eat like a 5-year-old given free reign in a fast food restaurant. I don’t have trouble with portion discipline or going overboard…………ummm………errrr……….well as long as there are no Tootsie Rolls, cookies, or kettle chips around. I just have trouble eating food that is good for me.

Why do our bodies have to be snobby and discriminate about what gets shoved into it? My brain, body, and heart are like the Republican, Democratic, and Tea Parties. They can’t get along. They’re constantly at war. I will spare you the agony of having to read about filibusters my body tries to pull. I figure people who eat healthy have a brain, heart, and body akin to those who have the power ignore the stupidity of politics. All I know is my brain gives the finger to my body when my body dishes out the threat, “don’t you eat those Tootsie Rolls, or else…….” My body doesn’t play either. I’m paying the price for eating that bag of Tootsie Rolls Friday. All hail the Fiber One!

One week. That’s all……. Here goes.

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