Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30
Listening to: Cheeseburger in Paradise
Thought for the Day: Plastic flamingos migrate in August. Who knew?

I was feeling the weight of the week in my gut when I pulled out of my neighborhood this morning. Then I saw the flamingorama in my neighbor’s yard and it made my soul smile. I couldn’t resist making this my photo of the day. Is it a coincidence that’s word of the day was “shenanigans” and I see this? I think not! These flamingofied shenanigans are really a flocking fundraiser for the Nashville zoo! Flock your friends and help a flamingo! I absolutely love this idea to raise money. If you would like to flock someone, flamingo to the website

I’m not sure why I love the pink plastic flamingo fowls, but I do. These icons of pop culture emerged in 1957 and were designed by Don Featherstone. For his contribution to lawns across America, birdman Don won a Nobel Prize for art in 1996. The original flamingos were sold in pairs with one standing upright and the other feeding off the ground.

If I had a $100 to spare (just bought a graphing calculator…uggh), I’d beg someone to flock me or I’d be looking for someone to flock. It wouldn’t take me long. I have many friends that could use a good flocking.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 273 - August 29
August 29
Listening to: You Can Ring My Bell
Thought for the Day: Tennis begins with love.

In honor of the beginning of the U.S. Open Tennis Championship, I thought I’d feature a tennis-related photo. You are looking at the tennis “net” at the community tennis court in my hood. This is not your regulation net. This one is made out of aluminum yard fencing. Durable? Yes..........but I wonder how it would affect Roger’s game.

When I was young, I had a passion for dance (pretended I was Baryshnikov’s partner), ice skating (pretended I was Dorothy Hamill while roller skating), and tennis (pretended I was Chris Evert). If I wasn’t lacing up my toe shoes or attempting triple salchows on wheels, I was smashing tennis balls up against the neighbor’s house. Unfortunately, tennis lessons weren’t readily available where I grew up and neither were ice skating lessons, so I ended up with fifty billion other girls taking dance. I have regrets for not following my passion for tennis. SOOOOOO…….I have added to my bucket list, you got it, tennis lessons! I will sign up within the next year. I expect ya'll to hold me to it! I intend to be an old woman that plays tennis on Tuesdays and golf on Thursdays.

What’s on your bucket list?
Day 274 - August 28
Listening to: Another One Bites the Dust
Thought for the Day: The problem with sports and war is that God is on everyone's side. ~Duane Alan Hahn

Wet nap cornhole anyone?

Tonight I went to watch the Titans game with good friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. I ended up having a choice of playing wet nap cornhole, watching football, OR watching some kind of boxing.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of the boxing. This wasn’t your average boxing. There was blood flying everywhere and more than one eyeball was threatening to come out of its sockets. I thought to myself……….society is appalled by dog fighting, so why do we allow this type of sport with humans? Then I looked at the football game and realized it’s not much different………… just can’t see the injuries. I came to the final conclusion that if it was not for football, boxing, or other over-the-top physical sports, our wars would be more intense and violence would increase. Watching these sports is really cathartic………..even for a wet nap cornhole champion wannabe like me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 275 – August 27
Listening to: What a Girl Wants.
Thought for the day: When you are stressed, float awhile.

What a beautiful day! The photo was taken during my lunch-time walk.

When I saw these two images in my field of view, I immediately thought “how do you stop a sailboat?” Yeah, you know I Googled it. There are a plethora of Youtube videos and websites describing the process. It’s not easy. As I read through the steps, I found myself making correlations to hurdles I face in my life. The first step requires you know the direction of the wind. I haven’t figured out the direction of my life’s wind yet, so the hurdles will just have to exist a bit longer. If anyone has a life weather vane for loan, please help this sistah OUT!

Found Noah's lessons while searching for sailboat stopping info. You couldn't stop a sailboat with these instructions, but they are useful!

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark:
One: Don't miss the boat.
Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat.
Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
Six: Build your future on high ground.
Seven: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
Nine: When you're stressed, float a while.
Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 277 – August 25
Listening to: Good Morning Star Shine
Thought for the day: Let the good times roll!

Tonight I ventured out to the land of Mt. Juliet to sample the New Orleans-style cuisine of Larriviere’s. Before arriving at the appointed Wednesday night dinner group destination, my attitude was enveloped in work-related sadness. Said attitude insisted we were going to order a beer, onion rings, and the brownie ala mode. When I walked in and saw the cheerful faces of my friends, my attitude took a back seat to reason. I ended up ordering the jambalaya. The flavor was good, but they weren't very generous with the shrimp. Three of my friends ordered Grouper Acadian and gave it high marks.

Forget the food though. They have these fried garlic rolls that are gobsmackingly good. As long as you have one of these babies, you won’t care what your entree is. Seriously.

I’m so full that my brain isn’t working, so if there is evidence of any grammar implosion, it’s Larriviere’s fault.
Day 278 - August 24
Listening to: Giving All My Secrets Away
Thought for the day: Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

This is a sad week for me. When I started working at the DuPont facility in Old Hickory, there were around 1300 employees. After this week, we will be down to less than 300. Over the years, the numbers have ebbed and flowed, but here lately it’s all ebb.

When someone leaves my DuPont site either through redeployment to another DuPont site, retirement, or your good ole fashion layoff, they are given a framed photo that everyone has signed. These framed tokens of farewell are featured in this photo. They are lined up like coffins waiting to be signed. Can you say writer's cramp?

Let’s do the math. I’ve worked at this DuPont site for 22 years. That’s 45.4545 people leaving each year. I’ve basically said goodbye to 40+ people every year. Though I haven’t known them all, I’ve known enough of them to know IT SUCKS..........for me anyway.

Day 279 – August 23
Listening to: Claire de Lune
Thought for the day: Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star. ~Lucy Maud Montgomery

This view is a hop, skip, and jump away from my house. It is one of the most peaceful views in Old Hickory and the best place to watch the moon rise.

While I was taking the photo, a quaint older gentleman that lives nearby walked over to me. After a quick hello, he immediately launched into a lengthy diatribe of his life. He was starving for someone to hear him. His life’s soliloquy twisted, turned, and went places that I’m sure made sense in his mind but totally lost me along the way. I learned about his father who had the foresight to purchase property on the lake, a wife with Alzheimer's that divorced him, and about a new companion in his life. After about 20 minutes of storytelling, he held his hand out to shake mine and with words dripping with sincerity said, “thank you so much for talking to me.” I wanted to say, “I didn’t talk!” I just smiled and said, “You’re welcome.” It was indeed a full moon moment (though it’s not full until tomorrow).

Be on the look out for Jupiter near the moon this week!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 281 - August 21
Listening to: You’ve Got A Friend
Thought for the day: Fruit only angers my need for chocolate. ~Jason Love

Nothin’ says Tennessee like a get-ta-gether of good friends, fried fish, and a plate of tomatoes and Goo Goo Cluster candy (are they bars?).

When I verbally pointed out this unusual party display to 365 follower and good friend Eddie, he said, “There’s your picture of the day right there.” I said, “But what do I say about tomatoes and Goo Goos?” He didn’t know. Suddenly, I felt challenged. I asked party hostess extraordinaire Stephanie, “any reason why you have Goo Goos and tomatoes on a plate at your party?” She said, “Nope.”

Back to the drawing board.

Eddie and I started to talk about it again. Eddie said, “Goo Goos are named for the Grand Ole Opry……… G-O-O…….Grand Ole Opry.” I said, “nuh uhhh.” He whooped out his Droid phone and Goo-Goo Googled “GOO GOO” to prove his claim.............. but he failed. For the REAL story behind the Goo Goo name, visit

If nothing else, the tomatoes and Goo Goos were a conversation piece……….. for Eddie and me anyway.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 284 - August 18
Listening to: Your Kiss is on My List
Thought for the day: Grills Just Wanna Have Fun….

Sunset Grill - Grouper Cheeks?

My Wednesday night dinner group went to Sunset Grill, a well established restaurant in Nashville. Yeah, yeah…………..we all know it’s good so I’m not going to talk about the food………..well not exactly. My problem with Sunset Grill is that my redneck brain is too incompetent to decipher the menu. They use phrases like ginger infused sticky purple rice, almond gremolata, smoked green tomato ponzu, roasted red pepper coulis…………I could continue. THEN……..tonight on the special menu…………..duh duh duh……….Grouper Cheeks. GROUPER CHEEKS???? Would these be the butt cheeks or facial cheeks of the poor fish? This inquiring diner would like to know.

After minimal sleep, not being home much, and being in the possession of a mushy brain I was tempted just to order the freakin’ cheeseburger for safety sake. I ordered the pork loin. It was way too salty for me, but had a wonderful flavor. The high scorers for the night were the Shrimp & Grits and the Ode to Zola Paella. After seeing the dessert menu, next time I go to Sunset Grill I’m going for dessert.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 287 - Aug 15
Listening to: Me poorly humming Ode to Joy
Thought for the day: Save the cows, eat more ice cream!

Dear Dairy Queen, I, along with everyone else, should probably buy stock in you now. I love me some Blizzard, but the regular size always overworks my sense of guilt. My consumption rate is minimal and has in the past been reserved for special occasions. These small Blizzes change the whole game. The proportion is perfect! While basking in the afterglow, I did not feel like I had swallowed a cow nor did I vow to start a diet tomorrow. My choice of Blizzard? SNICKERS!!! Sllllllllurp

Love my childhood memories of going to Dairy Queen or Kay's Ice Cream every Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 289 - Aug 13
Listening to: Morning Talk
Thought for the day: If you don’t move, they’ll paint ya. ~Tom

Happy Friday the 13th!!!! I’m doing something spontaneous today.......... which is like rare steak..........dangerous, but good. Since it’s so early and I don’t have a story to tell yet, I thought I would sling up a serving of my poetry.

The wind caresses my face
marking my time in this place
I'm somewhere and nowhere
under the warm Summer glare
fighting to make my way
on any particular day
touched by an angel just now
wind swept hair across my brow
a constant reminder of devotion
and the endless loving emotion
angels never give up on me
breath in the wind and each tree
a reminder to never let go
let my soul freely grow.
Day 290 - Aug 12
Listening to: Pseudio
Thought for the day: Hello, my name is Kris and I could use a chunk of divine intervention.

This is my neighbor, Tom. He is 78 and has no clue what the internet is or anything about digital photos, so I covertly took this photo of him with my cell phone. He is a dog man………calls his house, “The Kennel.” He has two ex-wives who he claims put him in “the Kennel.” His favorite saying is, “if you don’t move, they’ll paint ya,” and boy, does he move. If you need advice, Tom has it, and he is blunt.

Tom is a trial bird dog trainer. He wheels and deals in dogs like a seasoned Donald Trump slinging land. One day he called me and said, “I have me a black woman.” I giggled a little and waited for what was next. You never know with Tom. Long story short, the “black woman” was none other than THE black Fab Lab, aka Pearlzizzle, that is now my constant companion. A dog breeder owed Tom a bird dog but had gone out of the bird dog business and into breeding Labs. Reluctantly, Tom took a black Lab instead thinking he could train her to respond like his bird dogs. She never did. That’s when he offered her to me! I am furever in debt to him.

Day 292, August 10
Listening to: Don’t You Forget About Me
Thought for the day: I find it interesting that radio plays “Don’t You Forget About Me” as much today as they did in 1985.

Behold! This is the spooky, yet useful, McGavock Band attic. I love this place. There is crap stored here from my days in band. This is also where old trophies go to retire. The more prestigious trophies get to live in the high-rent district, also known as the band room. If you’re a reeeeaaaalllly special trophy, you get to collect dust in the director’s office. Truth is, there’s no where to display so many awards. I’m sure we’re not the only band facing this dilemma. We are a trophy CRAZY society. These days, bands get trophies just for showing up to a competition. It’s too bad that something more useful, like scholarship money, isn’t given as awards versus a chunk of plastic made to look gold.

This photo doesn’t do the trophy graveyard justice. There are over 100 trophies with some dating back to my dinosaur days. If you’re reading this diatribe and you are a Mc-alumni what do you think? Should we leave them in peace for the next generation, auction them off to alumni, or find a way to display more of them? At least no one chunked them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 293, Aug 9
Listening to: Bohemian Rhapsody
Thought for the day: What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps one in a continual state of inelegance. ~Jane Austen

Today, I stumbled upon the following article. Prepare for a KB rant-a-thon.

“Study finds women find men in red more appealing.”

Errr………Ummm………’scuse me, but I’d like to know what the men looked like that the scientists were dressing in red. If the scientists wanted to skew their results and make me pick red, blue, green, or yellow all they would have to is show me Mr. Darcy in their chosen color. I'd even choose Mr. Darcy wearing a puffy shirt (ala Seinfeld and the featured photo). There are just some men that are universally good looking. I give no credence to this study without seeing the men dressed in red. What if they showed a man in green with no teeth vs. a Mr. Darcy in red? Duh! I'd pick Mr. Darcy! Every ding dang dong time. I’m sorry, but this study is flawed. Color doesn't have a thing to do with attraction!

Exiting my soap box………..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 294 - Aug 8
Listening to: In My Life
Thought for the day: I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

This is a section of my hedge row from hell. It is about seven-feet tall, 40-feet long, and most likely would survive a nuclear blast. Yesterday, I was cursing at the bombastic bush because it needs trimming again. I just trimmed it a month ago. Trimming it takes Herculean strength.

Today I walked outside and glanced over at my hedge row foe and low and behold this flower was growing in the middle of the hedges’ expanse of green. In the 10 years that I have lived in my house, no flower has ever made an appearance………… until today. I decided that this rogue flower had to be some kind of sign applicable to my current problems. After much thought, I decided that God is trying to tell me that unexplained and beautiful things can emerge unexpectedly in the midst of total chaos. With the problems that plague me right now, I definitely need this to be the message!

Day 296 - August 6
Listening to: 1812 Overture
Thought For the Day: I survived band camp with my brain in tact and no nerves severed!

Day 6 and Final Day of My Bandcation!

There is a wonderful young girl in the band who went to daycare with Christian as a toddler (they are the same age). The child’s mother (I will call her Ms. S) was a teacher at the daycare. Ms. S was the only person that could calm Christian down when it was time for me to leave each morning. Ms. S kept me from dying of guilt for not being a stay-at-home mom. She was a God send for me.

When Ms. S’s daughter showed up for band their freshman year, I kept thinking I’d see Ms. S at band-related events. I never did. I finally got up the nerve this week to ask her daughter if Ms. S ever came to watch. I may need to have my foot surgically removed from my mouth. It turns out Ms. S passed away some time ago.

Today, I said a little prayer to Ms. S to tell her that her daughter has grown into a wonderful young woman. I have no doubt Ms. S would be proud of her daughter as well as Christian. Ms. S will be in my thoughts a lot this coming year.

I’m so grateful I get to watch Christian experience this last chapter of her teen years. Despite the fact we don’t always see eye to eye, I am very proud of her.

Day 299 – August 2
Listening to: Summmaaah Time and the Livin’ is Easssssseeeeeeeeeee
Thought for the day: Nothin' like a heapin', helpin' dose of gratitude on a hot, sunny day.

Day 2 of my Band Camp Vacation

Day 299 – August 2
Listening to: Summmaaah Time and the Livin’ is Easssssseeeeeeeeeee
Thought for the day: gratitude never goes out of style

This photo is my official “Facebook Feet on Vacation” pic. Isn’t that the norm around here? Why do people take pics of their feet at the beach? I tried to pretend I was at the beach, but alas duty called. Just as soon as I snapped this pic, I was asked to go run errands. Other than lunch and dinner, I don’t think I sat down for more than 10 minutes total today. Despite the diligence of it all, I had an enjoyable day. I believe the kid’s parents all fed them an extra dose of gratitude pills this morning. My thank-you cup runneth over.