Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 278 - August 24
Listening to: Giving All My Secrets Away
Thought for the day: Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

This is a sad week for me. When I started working at the DuPont facility in Old Hickory, there were around 1300 employees. After this week, we will be down to less than 300. Over the years, the numbers have ebbed and flowed, but here lately it’s all ebb.

When someone leaves my DuPont site either through redeployment to another DuPont site, retirement, or your good ole fashion layoff, they are given a framed photo that everyone has signed. These framed tokens of farewell are featured in this photo. They are lined up like coffins waiting to be signed. Can you say writer's cramp?

Let’s do the math. I’ve worked at this DuPont site for 22 years. That’s 45.4545 people leaving each year. I’ve basically said goodbye to 40+ people every year. Though I haven’t known them all, I’ve known enough of them to know IT SUCKS..........for me anyway.

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