Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 296 - August 6
Listening to: 1812 Overture
Thought For the Day: I survived band camp with my brain in tact and no nerves severed!

Day 6 and Final Day of My Bandcation!

There is a wonderful young girl in the band who went to daycare with Christian as a toddler (they are the same age). The child’s mother (I will call her Ms. S) was a teacher at the daycare. Ms. S was the only person that could calm Christian down when it was time for me to leave each morning. Ms. S kept me from dying of guilt for not being a stay-at-home mom. She was a God send for me.

When Ms. S’s daughter showed up for band their freshman year, I kept thinking I’d see Ms. S at band-related events. I never did. I finally got up the nerve this week to ask her daughter if Ms. S ever came to watch. I may need to have my foot surgically removed from my mouth. It turns out Ms. S passed away some time ago.

Today, I said a little prayer to Ms. S to tell her that her daughter has grown into a wonderful young woman. I have no doubt Ms. S would be proud of her daughter as well as Christian. Ms. S will be in my thoughts a lot this coming year.

I’m so grateful I get to watch Christian experience this last chapter of her teen years. Despite the fact we don’t always see eye to eye, I am very proud of her.

Day 299 – August 2
Listening to: Summmaaah Time and the Livin’ is Easssssseeeeeeeeeee
Thought for the day: Nothin' like a heapin', helpin' dose of gratitude on a hot, sunny day.

Day 2 of my Band Camp Vacation

Day 299 – August 2
Listening to: Summmaaah Time and the Livin’ is Easssssseeeeeeeeeee
Thought for the day: gratitude never goes out of style

This photo is my official “Facebook Feet on Vacation” pic. Isn’t that the norm around here? Why do people take pics of their feet at the beach? I tried to pretend I was at the beach, but alas duty called. Just as soon as I snapped this pic, I was asked to go run errands. Other than lunch and dinner, I don’t think I sat down for more than 10 minutes total today. Despite the diligence of it all, I had an enjoyable day. I believe the kid’s parents all fed them an extra dose of gratitude pills this morning. My thank-you cup runneth over.

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