Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 279 – August 23
Listening to: Claire de Lune
Thought for the day: Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star. ~Lucy Maud Montgomery

This view is a hop, skip, and jump away from my house. It is one of the most peaceful views in Old Hickory and the best place to watch the moon rise.

While I was taking the photo, a quaint older gentleman that lives nearby walked over to me. After a quick hello, he immediately launched into a lengthy diatribe of his life. He was starving for someone to hear him. His life’s soliloquy twisted, turned, and went places that I’m sure made sense in his mind but totally lost me along the way. I learned about his father who had the foresight to purchase property on the lake, a wife with Alzheimer's that divorced him, and about a new companion in his life. After about 20 minutes of storytelling, he held his hand out to shake mine and with words dripping with sincerity said, “thank you so much for talking to me.” I wanted to say, “I didn’t talk!” I just smiled and said, “You’re welcome.” It was indeed a full moon moment (though it’s not full until tomorrow).

Be on the look out for Jupiter near the moon this week!

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