Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 293, Aug 9
Listening to: Bohemian Rhapsody
Thought for the day: What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps one in a continual state of inelegance. ~Jane Austen

Today, I stumbled upon the following article. Prepare for a KB rant-a-thon.

“Study finds women find men in red more appealing.”

Errr………Ummm………’scuse me, but I’d like to know what the men looked like that the scientists were dressing in red. If the scientists wanted to skew their results and make me pick red, blue, green, or yellow all they would have to is show me Mr. Darcy in their chosen color. I'd even choose Mr. Darcy wearing a puffy shirt (ala Seinfeld and the featured photo). There are just some men that are universally good looking. I give no credence to this study without seeing the men dressed in red. What if they showed a man in green with no teeth vs. a Mr. Darcy in red? Duh! I'd pick Mr. Darcy! Every ding dang dong time. I’m sorry, but this study is flawed. Color doesn't have a thing to do with attraction!

Exiting my soap box………..

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