Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 274 - August 28
Listening to: Another One Bites the Dust
Thought for the Day: The problem with sports and war is that God is on everyone's side. ~Duane Alan Hahn

Wet nap cornhole anyone?

Tonight I went to watch the Titans game with good friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. I ended up having a choice of playing wet nap cornhole, watching football, OR watching some kind of boxing.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of the boxing. This wasn’t your average boxing. There was blood flying everywhere and more than one eyeball was threatening to come out of its sockets. I thought to myself……….society is appalled by dog fighting, so why do we allow this type of sport with humans? Then I looked at the football game and realized it’s not much different………… just can’t see the injuries. I came to the final conclusion that if it was not for football, boxing, or other over-the-top physical sports, our wars would be more intense and violence would increase. Watching these sports is really cathartic………..even for a wet nap cornhole champion wannabe like me.

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