Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 250 - Sept. 21
Listening to: September
Thought for the day: I don’t really remember what I’ve done on any specific 21st of September.

I feel like my life derailed a while back…………..not necessarily a bad thing mind you. I’m sure I’ve done my fair share of derailing other’s lives as well…………….also not necessarily a bad thing. Guess what? That makes me a derailed derailer just like the derailed derailer in this photo.

Speaking of derailing……….. I am going to derail this photo blog………………………………..right………………………

Last week I learned that when you cut a finger or toe off, it is referred to as a derailed digit (thank you Tracy P). I also learned what to do if I ever derail a finger or toe. I thought I knew what to do, but I would have been wrong had there been a need to retrieve a chopped member prior to reading this article. So get some popcorn, pull up a chair, get comfy, and read what to do if a body part falls off.

Okay……….time to get my life back on track.

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