Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 271 - August 31
Listening to: I Will Survive
Thought for the Day: As long as I know how to love, I know I’ll stay alive.

I allowed garbage juice to seep into a crack in my attitude today, so basically I had a bad day. Thankfully the pavement pranksters that I work with left me the gift of a roadside tribute to my commitment to play tennis on Tuesdays and golf and Thursdays when I get old. I can SEE my future!

Truth be known, this image is a good pictorial description of where my head was today. I had a tennis ball in one eye and a golf ball in the other: both objects grossly obscured my perspective on life. Thanks to some crazy coworkers though, I did have a smile on my face briefly ……………..just like my personal pavement parody.

Here’s to tomorrow. Here’s to waking up in the morning with no obstruction to my vision on life. Here’s to seeing clearly. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow WILL be better.

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