Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 252 - Sept 19
Listening to: Bad Mama Jama
Thought for the day: A small key opens big doors.

If you don’t know already, I live in Old Hickory Village. The Village was built in 1918 under the supervision of DuPont (my employer) to house the workers employed by the powder plant. I’ll spare you the history, but here is an article describing the village’s construction that is absolutely fascinating.

I have lived in the village for 14 years now and something has been bothering me. Not many of the houses still wear their original front door. I have counted four houses displaying the original entryway. One of the four is featured in my photo today. My observation is based on the documentation and photos relating to the village houses that I have access to via DuPont.

Where did all of those doors go? Door heaven? Door dump? ...........and.....Why would so many people swap out the door? It’s an attractive design. It has been said these houses would survive a nuclear blast because they were built so well, so I can’t imagine the front door being faulty on so many houses. The houses these days have doors that are solid, have big heavy lead window designs, or look like the door featured in Bewitched…………..why I noticed that door as a child is beyond me. The Bewitched door has a half-circle window at the top with the spokes in it. My front door was not only replaced but moved to the other side of the house.

This is one of those mysteries that I will never have an answer to, but I can always wonder.......

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