Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 251-Sept. 20
Listening to: I Wear My Sunglasses at Night
Thought for the day: Hello, my name is Kris and I am a board-aholic.

In this photo you basically see what my view was tonight from 6:30 until 9. I am the recording secretary for the McGavock Band Boosters. Prior to this lovely Mcsecretarial assignment, I was vice president, then president for two years, and now am on my second year as recording secretary.

As I sat listening to various questions, plans, blah, blah, blahs tonight, I thought………….. ………..on top of my Mcboard activities, I’m also the president of the Veterans of Old Hickory Memorial Park and have served in the capacity of secretary at some point in time for the DuPont Hadley Middle School PTO, Lakewood Dixie Youth Baseball, Old Hickory Youth Football League, Old Hickory Chamber of Commerce, HUMC Communications Committee, and the union at work. I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!! It’s board mania!!!! They’re all volunteer positions. Hmmm……..the former CEO of DuPont makes major coin serving on various boards. Why can’t I be that kind of board-aholic? I’m thinking the make-bank board positions require horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. I’m only in possession of a very tainted halo. DURN.

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