Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 254 - Sept 17
Listening to: a fly trying to escape
Thought for the day: For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it...............even if it doesn't beat very fast.

I performed my stress test today to see if the prognosis of my next-to-death-low-heart rate is indeed Grinchitis.

Before the test began, the nurse asked me to raise my shirt so she could hook me up like Frankenstein. When I lifted my shirt, she said, “You must work out.” I could feel my Mcdonald’s Happy Meal-sized flab hanging over my shorts, so I’m not sure what she saw that said “this person works out.” What kind of people does she see on a regular basis?

She took my resting heart rate and ooohed and aaaahed over how low it was.

Then, I got on the beastmill. At first, I was like, “I got this….I got this…..this is easy.” I did fine reaching 85% of my max heart rate, but when we started to move to 100% I knew I was in trouble. I never made it to 100%. I plateaued around 90%. I could have stayed on longer if she would have let me run. Why is it so hard to walk fast on a big incline? Telling me not to run was like telling a woman in labor not to push. I lasted 11 minutes. She said most people only last 4. I’d like to say I felt superior, but I didn’t. I felt sick. I stopped and bought a box of chocolate covered raisins on my way back to work.............. for medicinal reasons……………it helped.

WHEW………..don’t know the results. The nurse thought everything looked normal. There appears to be no permanent damage from all of the heart stompin’ I’ve endured in my life. I have faith the doc is gonna say the same thing!

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