Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 260 - Sept. 11
Listening to: Fire and Rain
Thought For the Day: I still remember……..

I spent time today, like the rest of you, lamenting the events that occurred nine years ago. I remember each pivotal moment (there were many). One distinct thing I remember was the eerie quiet the engulfed the skies as the FAA grounded all airline flights.

Americans have tremendous passion about September 11, 2001. I wonder if that passion will persevere. Before you give me an adamant “YES” stop and think. As a country, we still acknowledge the day of infamy that blasted our country into World War II. However, the majority of my generation does not have a passion for it. I know the importance and sadness of Pearl Harbor, but it seems more like a movie to me than a real event. I have no reference points. I can’t share with people where I was standing when Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war against Japan. Over 2,000 Americans perished at the hands of a foreign entity on American soil on December 7, 1941. Yet, most people I know don’t invest themselves emotionally in December 7 like September 11.

Will the generation of 2070 react toward 09/11/2001 like my generation reacts toward 12/7/1941?

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