Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 262 - Sept. 9
Listening to: Tijuana Taxi (yeah, I know....)
Thought for the day: duh-dah dee dee dee dee deee.........

I spent a large part of my morning watching Tweets and Facebook posts pour in celebrating the opening of a new building for Room In the Inn, a temporary shelter for the homeless. The homeless have been on my mind all day, so it was a no-brainer when I saw this guy on the corner what my action would be. Today, I followed in the footsteps of my friends Tracy, Russ, Keeley, and my own daughter in supporting The Contributor, a newspaper designed to help the homeless. It’s not just any ole paper. The homeless themselves write the articles, assemble the paper, and sell it on the Nashville streets. The cost? A mere dollar. My selected vendor was a perfect gentleman with the most genuine smile. I'm not worthy.

Teach a man to fish………

According to Tasha French, founder of The Contributor, every dollar donated translates into almost $9 of income.......all going directly to the homeless and formerly homeless. The best news though is that the program helps get the homeless off the streets. The stats say 29% find housing after selling papers for more than a month. The number goes up to 35% after 3 months of sales!

For more information, please visit both

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