Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 269 - September 2
Listening to: Giving All My Secrets Away
Thought for the day: It does not suck to be you!

I’ve noticed an abundance of my Facebook friends have had moments and/or days this week that just basically SUCKED. You can blame it on the suckconomy, suckolotics, suckazoids, suck-eeps, or just plain sucky global warming. My guess though is that you’ve endured suckatosis because you don’t own one of these supersucker trucks! Wonder what the plain sucker truck looks like. Seriously, wouldn’t it be cool if you could take a supersucker truck and suck up everything that sucks? It would be SUCKTASTIC………… disease, no poverty, no war, no catastrophes………. There are two problems with this idea. When catastrophes happen, it’s as if someone places a ginormous magnifying glass on humanity as we see people rush to help one another. Would we see this side of our species if everything bad was sucked up in the supersucker truck? Secondly, who is to say that some of the good stuff wouldn’t get sucked up with the sucky stuff. That would really blow.

To all of you who have had a sucktrocious week, I’ll pray for you. May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

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