Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 253 - Sept 18
Listening to: Thriller
Thought for the day: Gatorade. H2O. Gatorade. H2OHHHHHHH.

Nic Passomato, Tsar of Gatorade brewing, has been mixing up this electrolyte elixir for the McGavock High School marching band for over 20 years now. He spends one week every year (during band camp) hydrating parched kids. He helped me make Gatorade today during the band’s day-long rehearsal.

I have been making Gatorade for the band during regular rehearsals AFTER band camp for five years now. Naturally, me being a young ‘Rade renegade, I started talkin' schmack at Nic during band camp this past summer claiming to make better Gatorade than him. This schmack has resulted in the birth of the 2011 “Gatorade Off” which will occur during next year’s band camp.

I’ve have started preparing for the competition by mixing flavors, strengths, and other liquid ingredients. The kids know about our Gatorade rivalry and are beginning to get involved in the process. It is becoming a game for them to guess what is in the mixtures I serve.

The photo is of one of today’s mixtures. It is comprised of mostly orange Gatorade with a splash of grape Kool-Aide and a splash of lemon-lime Gatorade. Tsar Nic and I decided it looked like poo water or sewer water. The kids decided it was “orange tootsie roll” flavor. Hmmm………..poo water vs. orange tootsie roll…………I think the kids need to be in charge of marketing the 2011 Gatorade-a-rama.

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