Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 229 - Oct. 13
Listening to: Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog…………… dun dun dun
Thought for the day: Reaching out for God……….

I didn’t get to join my Wednesday night dinner group tonight (sad face). The plan was to go to Hermitage Steakhouse and get my Fred Flinstone on by ordering a big chunk of nasty meat. However, a battle of brontosaurus proportions broke out in my life around 15:30 CST. By the time I was supposed to depart for dinner, my battleship was SUNK (sad face).

Despite it all, I did manage to capture a photo of an absurd situation that caused me to experience some absurd thinking. This photo is of the guy's restroom where I work. The door has been off of the man-cave toilet entrance for the past two days. Sure, it’s not a big deal ………….. not really…………….except all eyes that pass have a clear shot of the urinal. I’m not attracted to anyone I work with physically………nope………nuh uh……..blech……….. so I can’t figure out why I rubber neck every time I walk by the gaping door. Am I being human? What if I did see a male coworker peeing? …………………I’d probably scream.

I have some other stories about public restrooms that I will share later. First, I need to figure out how to get my battleship off the bottom of life's ocean.

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