Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 235 - Oct. 7
Listening to: Witchy Woman
Thought for the day: There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. ~Alfred Hitchcock

This is Keith’s house. He lives down the street from me. Sometimes I have a brain fart and call him Kevin, so I have renamed him “Keith not Kevin.” Keith not Kevin's yard is always perfect. He has won the Historic Old Hickory Village “Best Yard of the Month” award so many times that they should rename it after him. I’m a Keith not Kevin yard hater……….pure jealousy. I hate his perfect flowers, grass, and shiny silver grill. They always seem to mock me and my crabgrass, no patio with bling yard.

I see Keith not Kevin's house every time I leave my house. The first time I spied his subtle Halloween decorations I thought, “Are those birds on the chair real?” Then I thought, “Good heavens, Keith not Kevin's house looks rather Hitchcockian.” Then, I started thinking about the movie The Birds. Then I started thinking about the movie Psycho. Then I kinda got scared. Hitchcock was the master of subtle horror. Keith not Kevin is the master of subtle Halloween decorations. He’ll probably win an award for it.

Disclaimer: The truth is Keith not Kevin is a super nice guy and his yard is a credit to the neighborhood.

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