Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 237 - Oct. 4
Listening to: Old Days
Thought for the day: Why does everything smell like apple cider?

I absolutely love this picture. I am not the photographer of this gem, nor was this photo taken today. The talented photographer behind this shot is Terry Dotson.

Every time the McGavock High School band attends or hosts an event, he takes photos and sends them to me to post on the band’s website. This photo was taken this past Saturday at the Traveler’s Rest Invitational and sent to me today.

Terry has no children in the band and hasn’t for some time. His children graduated a long time ago…………..like……….seriously…….. BACK – IN – THE – DAY. Yet, Terry still selflessly volunteers his time to provide something uniquely special every year. I always feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for his pictures to be emailed to me after an event (btw - this week's photos are now online).

Wonder what this child is thinking? Is he thinking, “hmmmmmmmm pretty feather.” Is he going to pick up the hat in an attempt to emulate an older brother or sister? Or, is he just trying to help out by retrieving a fallen hat?

Thanks Terry for all that you do!

Terry has a professional Facebook page if you’d like to peek at his talents.


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