Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 216 - Oct. 25
Listening to: Sleigh Ride of the Headless Horseman
Thought for the day: On Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises from his pumpkin patch and flies through the air with his bag of toys to all the children.

Dear Great Pumpkin,

It looks like you are now an official victim of this great recession perpetrated by the Republicans……..wait no……….the Democrats…….wait not………….Wall Street……….WHATEVER……. this is your notice that you are now being replaced by the utility tree or what I'd like to call the tree for all seasons. My neighbors are the first to bite the economy in the buttocks by placing a tree in their front window and decorating it with orange lights and pumpkins. Once the last "trick or treat" echoes in this great neighborhood of mine, I’m sure the Halloween utility tree decor (or daycor as we say in the South) will be replaced with turkeys, cornucopias, and Indian feathers. It is possible they’ll skip Thanksgiving all together in an attempt to squeak out one more dollar. At least it’s a tree and not a festivus for the restofus pole……… we can’t have a stripper-holiday pole in THIS hood!

Please accept my condolences for becoming a statistic in the line of unemployment.

EbenezeKris Scroogette

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