Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 243 - Sept. 28
Listening to: Faith
Thought for the day: Cleanliness is next to impossible.

I am currently participating in a Japanese methodology at work called 5S. It stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain. Basically, I have to clean Cubicle Caverns and keep it that way. I started the process last Friday..... as seen in today’s photo. Yes, I’m only showing you half of the cave because the other half isn’t 5S-ed yet………….and no I didn’t shove everything to the other side to take this photo. I actually 5S-ed ya’ll.

Five S-ing is very difficult for me because I am the DuPont-Old Hickory historian which means I am the keeper of photos, magazines, newsletters, memorabilia, memorabilia, and memorabilia dating back to 1918. I am always conscious of what I throw away because items that may seem insignificant now will have historical value 20 years from now. We don’t have as much from 1918 as we should because no one thought it would matter 92 years later. IT DOES!!!!!

Back on topic…….

The objective behind 5S is to instill ownership and organizational skills that theoretically improve the day-to-day operations of the business. I wish I could 5S the people in my life! Fortunately/unfortunately it’s not as easy as throwing a pile of papers in a recycle bin.

Curious about 5S?

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