Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 231 - Oct. 11
Listening to: Watching the Wheels
Thought for the day: Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. ~John Lennon

My name is Kris and I am a doughnut-aholic………..recovering one, but nevertheless.

Tonight was doughnut night at the McGavock Band Booster meeting. No, this is not my plate. However, when I was in college I routinely would and could eat this many doughnuts in one sitting. My college freshman extra 10 lbs did not come from beer or pizza. The extra poundage came from Kroger’s 10 for $5 deli doughnuts………..elephant ears included. By the end of my freshman year, I wore a couple lbs of doughnuts on each thigh. I only took one doughnut tonight. Good job Kris, good job.

When I stepped up to this plate full of colorful sin to pick one out for my very own, I immediately felt like my brain was on training wheels. There were people talking to me. I didn’t hear a word. The feeling lasciviously lingered. When the meeting began and I sat down to assume my responsibilities as recording secretary, I discovered I had forgotten how to write.

I need to identify a doughnut sponsor so that the next time I fall off the doughnut wagon I don’t land so hard.

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