Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 247 - Sept. 24
Listening to: Release Me (a little Englebert for my Granny)
Thought for the day: When I want to talk to someone intelligent, I talk to myself. ~Granny Sally

Today is my Granny Sally’s birthday. She was a majorette in high school…………….no, I did not originate the family marching band gene. This photo was taken 20+ years ago on a Christmas Eve. G. Sally had been into some liquid Christmas cheer and decided to demonstrate her majorette moves for me. I think I split a gut laughing that night. It was one of those priceless moments that will stick with me forever.

G. Sally has been bed ridden for over five years, is completely blind, and suffers horrible dementia. Last time I went to see her, she didn’t know who I was and mistook me for Christian. I was devastated and depressed for days. I haven’t been back to see her since. I am ashamed of my lack of visitation and know I am a selfish coward, but I just can’t go back. Thankfully, my mom goes to see her almost every day and says most days G. Sally lives in another world of imaginary relatives, children, and people. It helps to know she isn't alone, but that doesn't change the fact that I am a failure as a grandchild. I hope some day, somewhere, my Granny will forgive me and that somewhere in that imaginary world of hers she knows I want to tell her Happy Birthday.

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