Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 234- Oct. 8
Listening to: She’s Gone
Thought for the day: Go Big Mac!

J. David Hazlett (Mcband director extraordinaire) took this photo at the end of rehearsal today. We are all listening to announcements. The band rehearsed instead of going to the football game because they have a brutally long day tomorrow. They will board a bus at 5 a.m. in the morning to go compete in the Bands of America regional in Jacksonville, Alabama.

I really can’t explain why I like this photo so much, but I'll try. I am standing at the top of the hill on the right facing the camera in the light blue shirt. Christian, my daughter, is the only one standing in the pile of kids (black shirt/red shorts) close to the camera. Something about where and how Christian and I are standing defines our relationship right now. We are very close, yet very distant. We love each other, but don't like each other. She's good at math, and 2+2 equals 5 to me. You get the idea. What gets me through this mother-daughter antithesis is that I honestly believe some day we will stand next to each other in life.

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