Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 230 - Oct. 12
Listening to: Working My Way Back to You
Thought for the Day: Channeling my inner Phileas Fogg.......or looking for his equivalent in another.

Hey look! There are 80 more days until January 1. We have enough time to go around the world!

This whiteboard is hanging in the main thoroughfare where I work. The message is about working safe. Although I strive to work safely, I have no enthusiasm for this countdown. My apathy lies in the fact that in 80 days people will be packing up their plastic baby Jesuses and putting them back in their attics both physically and mentally. The week after Christmas is depressing for me for that reason............among a few other personal reasons. If a well-meaning coworker is going to bust all up in my life with this cheerleader-like ad nauseum countdown, then I need to come up with a concurrent countdown that brings me joy.

Maybe I should go on a cruise.

Note: I had to look up the plural of Jesus. I saw one memorable response that said, "there is only one Jesus...........no plural."

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