Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 244 - Sept. 27
Listening to: The Beat Goes On
Thought for the day: This mess is a place!

We had a safety audit at work today. One of the auditors decided to visit the maintenance shop. I probably don’t need to tell you that the maintenance shop is comprised mostly of men…………. who act like men………..but I still love them. I walked into to the shop at break time only to discover they were all giggling like 6th graders who had been busted for throwing soap balls on the ceiling. One of them said, “The auditor opened the microwave (everyone - giggle, giggle). It looks like a rabbit blew up in there (more giggles).”

I use this microwave and have become so accustomed to it looking like a Hazmat team should be involved in its cleanup that I don’t even see the blown up antifoodmatter anymore. I’d die if my microwave at home looked like this.

There’s no telling how many bowls of chili have graced this baby uncovered. AND BTW………..the photo………..does…………..NOT……….do it justice.

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