Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 12 – May 12
Listening to: Go Rest High
Thought for the day: We've had bad luck with our kids - they've all grown up. ~Christopher Morley

I realized today that from here on out I probably will only see both of my children simultaneously on holidays and at funerals/weddings. Just smack me in the face with empty nest syndrome and call it a day! It was the funeral of their Grandpa Howard that brought the three of us together today.

I found out that I have something in common with Howard. During the eulogy, the preacher kept saying “Harold” instead of “Howard.” If you remember, I wrote back December that forgetful peeps ALWAYS call me “Kim.” When the service was over, Wes said, “When you die, your preacher won’t mess your name up.” He failed to realize that I go to a United Methodist Church and the UMC changes preachers like underwear. I am fairly certain I will be called Kim in my eulogy. This is a good reason to name your child something like BonQuisha.

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