Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 27 - April 28
Listening to: The Governor’s Cup March
Thought for the day: The torch is passed. The tradition continues.

You are looking at a photo of the McGavock High School Wind Ensemble (featuring several alumni) performing the Governor’s Cup March, a piece composed by Dave Sartor to honor the accomplishments of Kenton J. Hull (first band director at McGavock). Dave, a former member of the band, was also the conductor. GUESS WHERE I WAS TONIGHT? :-)

When I’m really tired, my brain sends the smart cells to camp out in the baggage under my eyes. My brain then sends words to my mouth that contain inaccuracies. For instance, one time I asked a coworker what color his GOLDEN retriever was. Tonight, I told Dave I was including him in my 367 project. I’ve added two days to the year. I’m really tired.

Despite my brain malfunction, my brain failed to sabotage my enjoyment of this performance. The emotions on stage were tangible and it came across in the performance. Mr. Hull would have been proud indeed.

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